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Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a scientifically proven, systematic approach to managing dental biofilm in professional preventive care. Utilizing advanced AIRFLOW® MAX, PERIOFLOW®, and PIEZON® PS technologies, GBT effectively removes biofilm from teeth, soft tissues, and implants.

Our Trainers

Dufour, Thomas
Dufour, Thomas
France, Theix

Pratique privée orientée parodontologie et implantologie sur Vannes (56)

  • Ancien interne en Odontologie
  • Ancien MCU-PH en parodontologie en charge globale
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Morelli, Alessia
Morelli, Alessia
Italy, Pesaro

Laureata presso l'Università di Bologna nel 2010 in Igiene dentale con Lode, nel 2018 ho conseguito il Master in Alimentazione Dietetica Applicata all'Università di Ancona. 
Appassionata dello studio della fisiologia e della patologia, cerco ogni giorno di integrare la pratica clinica con un corretto stile di vita e la conoscenza delle patologie correlate alla salute del cavo orale.

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Gallie, Amanda
Gallie, Amanda

Amanda has a passion for dentistry and in 2008 became one of the first UK Swiss Academy Trainers for EMS. She has given many courses on Piezon technology, Biofilm management and Guided Biofilm therapy. (GBT). Amanda is the Immediate Past President of the British Association of Dental Therapists.

She became a hygienist in 1996 where she qualified from Manchester Dental school and then after spells in Specialist practice and the hospital service, taught Dental Hygiene at Sheffield dental school and then moved to Kings College Dental Institute in London.

Amanda has lectured nationally and internationally and talks on various topics. These include :- Behavioural change, Periodontal screening, Implant maintenance, fluoride varnish application for nurses, Impression taking, Biofilm theory/ GBT and Caries risk assessment.

Amanda completed and published research on the subject of Nursing Assistance for the Dental Hygienist in 2011. She completed a tutor’s conversion to Dental therapy in 2012 and became President elect of the British Association of Dental therapists in 2015.

She is an MSC student at King’s College London reading Advanced Minimal Intervention Dentistry.

Amanda presently works part time for Leicester Community dental services as a Therapist, treating anxious children and Special needs patients. She also works for Bupa Dental care in Stamford, Lincolnshire and lectures part time.

Amanda sits on the Bupa Dental Care Clinical advisory board and is a member of the BSDHT and BADT.

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Falduto, Daniela
Falduto, Daniela
Italy, Legnano

Laureata con Lode nel 2016 presso Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, sono collaboratrice presso l’Università degli Studi dell’Insubria nel reparto di Igiene dentale e la scuola di specializzazione in odontoiatria pediatrica. Ho seguito un perfezionamento in terapia perimplantare con il Prof. Massimo Simion nel 2017 e un perfezionamento nel trattamento della malattia parodontale con il professore Carlo Ghezzi nel 2019. Sono una GBT Trainer dal 2022, opero la mia professione nella provincia di Milano e svolgo corsi privati per professionisti e pazienti riguardo la prevenzione orale. Sono responsabile del reparto di Igiene Dentale presso lo studio dentistico Dott. Jacopo Padalino a Legnano e mi occupo a 360 gradi di Igiene dentale sia nel paziente pediatrico che nel paziente adulto.

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Mya Choufani
Mya Choufani
Spain, Madrid

Mya CHOUFANI es una odontóloga suizo-estadounidense altamente dedicada y exitosa que vive en Madrid, España, donde abrió su consulta privada “Clinica CLOE” con la misión de cambiar la forma en que se brinda la atención a la salud oral a los pacientes, especialmente a los niños y mujeres en épocas de pubertad, embarazo y menopausia.

Mya estudió en NYU College of Dentistry, donde obtuvo su título de DDS (doctor of dental surgery), antes de asistir a Mount Sinai School of Medicine para su Residencia en Práctica General. Mya ha podido ejercer en Europa después de mudarse a Madrid al asistir a La Universidad Europea para obtener su Licenciatura en Odontología.

En 2009, se convirtió en la entrenadora fundadora del Swiss Dental Academy (EMS) en España. Desde entonces, ha impartido muchos cursos sobre la tecnología Piezon, la gestión del biofilm y ahora sobre el Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT).

Debido a su amor por la enseñanza y por trabajar con niños, desarrolló un programa llamado “CLOE Smiles for Madrid”, donde dona su tiempo a través de escuelas, grupos, asociaciones etc. a enseñar a los niños la importancia de tener una boca sana a traves de una buena higiene oral.

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Varrati, Angelo
Varrati, Angelo
Italy, Castel Di Sangro

Igienista dentale laureato nel 2008 presso l'Università Sapienza di Roma, ho frequentato nel 2010 un corso annuale di perfezionamento in Igiene orale professionale e terapia parodontale non chirurgica presso l'Università di Chieti. Sono iscritto alla Società Italiana di Parodontologia e opero come consulente presso le cliniche svizzere Adent Clinique a Ginevra. Attualmente sono titolare di uno studio professionale di igiene dentale Castel di Sangro (AQ). 

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Gaus, Benjamin
Gaus, Benjamin
Germany, Straßberg

Benjamin ist seit 2022 Mitglied des deutschen SDA Trainer Teams. Er hat seine Ausbildung zum ZFA im Jahr 2004 abgeschlossen und ist seit 2007 als Dentalhygieniker in verschiedenen Praxen tätig. Seitdem hat er sein Wissen durch zahlreiche Fortbildungen erweitert. Neben seiner Trainertätigkeit bei der SDA arbeitet er derzeit in zwei Praxen. Seine Schwerpunkte sind neben GBT, PAR und UPT auch das Praxismanagement sowie die Leitung der Prophylaxeabteilungen. Bereits früh entdeckte er die Freude und Begeisterung an der Vermittlung von Wissen in den Bereichen Prophylaxe und Mundhygiene gegenüber Patienten*innen und Kollegen*innen, aber auch bezüglich der Funktionsweise neuer Systeme – und Arbeitstechniken oder effektiver Praxisabläufe. Er versteht es, den richtigen Ton zu treffen und Inhalte spielerisch zu vermitteln. Sein oberstes Ziel ist die Prävention von oralen Erkrankungen und somit auch die Erhaltung der allgemeinen Gesundheit seiner Patient*innen. Dabei ist die GBT ein wesentlicher Bestandteil seiner täglichen Arbeit.


Benjamin ist hoch motiviert und versteht es, Wissensinhalte interessant und verständlich zu vermitteln und auf individuelle Fragen und Belange der Zuhörer*innen einzugehen.

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Middleton, Anna
Middleton, Anna
Anna is a dedicated and passionate multi award-winning dental hygienist & therapist. She started her business “London Hygienist” with the mission to change the way oral health care is delivered to patients. Anna studied at the Eastman Dental Hospital after working as a dental nurse, and graduated in 2015 from the Faculty of Royal College of Surgeons before completing a one year top up BSc (Hons) Oral Science at the University of Essex 2021. Anna is a key opinion leader for Philips, Align Tech, Orascoptic, a global Guided Biofilm Therapy ambassador and Swiss Dental Academy trainer for EMS Dental. She is also a member and ambassador for the British Society of Hygiene and Therapy & British Society of Periodontics. Anna lectures and writes regularly for both industry and consumer press.
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Beaudoin Ekstrand, Marie-Claude
Beaudoin Ekstrand, Marie-Claude
Switzerland, PREVERENGES

Hygiéniste dentaire indépendante en Suisse

  • Fondatrice de Hygieniste Léman cabinet et formation
  • Enseignante CIE en prophylaxie pour les assistantes dentaires
  • Membre active de l’association Swiss Dental Hygienists
  • Diplômée en 1994 au CEGEP de St Hyacinthe, Québec, Canada (DEC en techniques d’hygiène dentaire avec maturité)
  • Parcours pluridisciplinaire au sein de cabinets de parodontologie et d’orthodontie
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Diplômée de la faculté de Bordeaux, 2013
Exercice limité à la parodontologie

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Scognamiglio, Martina
Scognamiglio, Martina
Italy, Angri

Laureata con Lode in Igiene dentale presso l’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, ho conseguito il Master di I livello in “Tecnologie avanzate nelle scienze dell’igiene orale” presso l’Università di Roma La Sapienza.
Svolgo la libera professione in provincia di Napoli, Salerno e Caserta. 

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Warden, Louise
Warden, Louise

Louise Warden is a highly accomplished dental hygienist based in Glasgow at the Scottish Centre for Excellence in Dentistry. She began her career in dentistry at the age of 17 as a dental nurse, later studying at Glasgow Dental School, where she graduated with distinction in 2004. In 2005, she received a Diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh for having the highest exam grades in the UK for dental hygiene.

Louise has extensive experience in various fields of dentistry and is also involved in teaching. She has been with the Scottish Centre since 2008 and is passionate about helping patients improve their oral health. Additionally, she is trained in facial aesthetics, offering treatments such as dermal fillers, lip enhancement, and anti-wrinkle treatments.

Louise is active in promoting Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), an innovative preventive dental treatment, and has been involved in international conferences related to this technique. She is an ambassador for the International Team for Implantology and is involved in training dental professionals in GBT.

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Ferré Esteve, María
Ferré Esteve, María
Spain, Valencia
  • Técnico superior en higiene bucodental
  • Curso operador de radiodiagnóstico para clínica dental
  • Formadora en Academia W de Clínicas W
  • Formadora en MBA de Gestión Dental, DentalDoctors
  • Ponente cursos en Colegio Higienistas Dentales de Valencia
  • Formadora Colgate
  • Ponente en congresos nacionales
  • Práctica clínica en Clínica Dental Primitivo Roig. Valencia
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Exercice privé à Mulhouse

  • Thèse à Strasbourg en 2007
  • Académie de Parodontologie en 2013
  • CES Parodontologie Strasbourg en 2014
  • DU Dermatologie-Vénérologie Paris en 2018
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Tighe, Benjamin
Tighe, Benjamin
United Kingdom
Benjamin qualified from Newcastle University in 2011 as a dental therapist. He holds additional qualifications, BSc (Hons) and MA Education. He splits his time between teaching at the Eastman Dental Hospital, and clinical practice at Clinic 95, Oxford. His combined interests in education and disease prevention align well with the Guided Biofilm Therapy process and the delivery of GBT masterclasses. He is a member of the Faculty of Dental Trainers, Association of Medical Educators and a fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
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