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Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT) is a scientifically proven, systematic approach to managing dental biofilm in professional preventive care. Utilizing advanced AIRFLOW® MAX, PERIOFLOW®, and PIEZON® PS technologies, GBT effectively removes biofilm from teeth, soft tissues, and implants.

Our Trainers

김, 민정
김, 민정
Republic of Korea, 서울

㈜브레인스펙병원교육개발원 대표
서울대학교치과병원 구강위생용품전시실 운영
경희대학교치과병원 구강위생용품전시실 운영
대한치과위생학회 회장
보아치과 OHC 센터장

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Bächinger, Anja
Bächinger, Anja
Switzerland, Bremgarten AG
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Dubovitskaya, Zhanna
Dubovitskaya, Zhanna
Spain, Torrevieja

Higienista bucodental, practica privada en clínica dental Ap-Denta. Nativa en español y ruso.

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Gema Maeso Mena
Gema Maeso Mena
Spain, Madrid
  • Licenciada en odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 1999
  • Máster en odontología preventiva y comunitaria por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2000
  • Doctora en odontología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 2002
  • Máster en periodoncia y implantología por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2005. European Board in Periodontology( EFP ) 2005
  • Autora de varias publicaciones científicas a nivel nacional e internacional
  • Miembro SEPA, miembro ITI y embajadora de Women implantología y Network (WIN) de ITI
  • Profesora del máster de periodoncia de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Ejercicio privado como periodoncista en Madrid
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Arturi, Teresa Cinzia
Arturi, Teresa Cinzia
Italy, Lamezia Terme

Igienista Dentale in qualità di Libero Professionista e Responsabile reparto di Igiene Orale presso lo Studio di Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria Dott. Enrico Cataneo a Lamezia Terme (CZ).
Nel 2003 ho conseguito la Laurea in Tecnico in Igiene Dentale e nel 2010 la Laurea Specialistica delle Scienze per le Professioni Sanitarie Tecnico Assistenziali. Ad oggi sono Direttore di Tirocinio per il corso di Laurea in Igiene Dentale presso l’Università “Magna Graecia” di Catanzaro.
Opero come presidente della Commissione d'Albo degli Igienisti Dentali per le province di Catanzaro, Crotone e Vibo Valentia e sono una GBT Trainer certificata dal 2020.

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González Ruiz, Antonio
González Ruiz, Antonio
Spain, Sevilla
  • Odontólogo. Máster en Periodoncia e Implantes por la Universidad de Sevilla.
  • Profesor colaborador de diferentes posgrados en periodoncia e implantes en España y Latinoamérica.
  • CEO de la plataforma de educación dental digital PerioResto.
  • Práctica privada en Sevilla y Cádiz.
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Pérez Rodríguez, Luis Miguel
Pérez Rodríguez, Luis Miguel
Spain, Cuenca

Degree in Dentistry (DDS), Universidad Europea de Madrid, School of Dentistry.

  • Master´s Degree in Dental Sciences (MSc), Universidad Complutense de Madrid, School of Dentistry.
  • Master´s Degree in Oral Implantology, Universidad de Sevilla, School of Dentistry.
  • Master´s Degree in Advanced Orthodontics, Universidad Europea de Madrid, School of Dentistry.

Philosophal doctor (PhD) in Dental Sciences, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, School of Dentistry.
Clinical experience: 20 years working in orthodontics treatments.
Today working as Collaborating professor and Visiting professor at differents Spanish Universities. Private practice in Madrid.

Scientific Membership: Active member of the Spanish Society of Orthodontics (SEDO), Member of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) and International membership of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO).

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Warden, Louise
Warden, Louise
United Kingdom, Glasgow

Louise Warden is a highly accomplished dental hygienist based in Glasgow at the Scottish Centre for Excellence in Dentistry. She began her career in dentistry at the age of 17 as a dental nurse, later studying at Glasgow Dental School, where she graduated with distinction in 2004. In 2005, she received a Diploma from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh for having the highest exam grades in the UK for dental hygiene.

Louise has extensive experience in various fields of dentistry and is also involved in teaching. She has been with the Scottish Centre since 2008 and is passionate about helping patients improve their oral health. Additionally, she is trained in facial aesthetics, offering treatments such as dermal fillers, lip enhancement, and anti-wrinkle treatments.

Louise is active in promoting Guided Biofilm Therapy (GBT), an innovative preventive dental treatment, and has been involved in international conferences related to this technique. She is an ambassador for the International Team for Implantology and is involved in training dental professionals in GBT.

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Pinder, Jolene
Pinder, Jolene
United Kingdom, Troon (Scotland)

Jolene Pinder is a dental hygienist based at The Dental Health Spa in Brighton. She qualified as a dental hygienist in the Royal Navy in 2001. After leaving the military she has worked in various practices throughout the UK. Jolene has a special interest in behavioural change and she has used this to inspire and educate fellow dental professionals. She has been a Swiss dental academy trainer since 2013 and teaches in the UK on Guided biofilm therapy. She had articles published on tooth whitening, making hygiene treatment profitable and implant maintenance. Jolene is the Study club director for dental hygienists and therapists for the International team for implantology.

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Middleton, Anna
Middleton, Anna
United Kingdom, London

Anna is a dedicated and passionate multi award-winning dental hygienist & therapist. She started her business “London Hygienist” with the mission to change the way oral health care is delivered to patients.

Anna studied at the Eastman Dental Hospital after working as a dental nurse, and graduated in 2015 from the Faculty of Royal College of Surgeons before completing a one year top up BSc (Hons) Oral Science at the University of Essex 2021.

Anna is a key opinion leader for Philips, Align Tech, Orascoptic, a global Guided Biofilm Therapy ambassador and Swiss Dental Academy trainer for EMS Dental. She is also a member and ambassador for the British Society of Hygiene and Therapy & British Society of Periodontics. Anna lectures and writes regularly for both industry and consumer press.

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Merino Terrón, Katia
Merino Terrón, Katia
Spain, Portugalete

Práctica privada en la clínica dental Peñota en el equipo de periodoncia .

Me encargo de las profilaxis dentales , mantenimientos periodontales y perimplantarios desde un planteamiento mínimamente invasivo aplicando el protocolo GBT y cuando no estoy en gabinete me encontraréis en las redes sociales divulgando salud oral y la importancia del papel de los higienistas dentales en la prevención de la salud oral y la salud general de la población.

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Di Nurra, Daniela
Di Nurra, Daniela
Italy, Alghero

Laureata all’Università di Genova nel 2011 in Igiene dentale, sono stata Tutor clinico all’Istituto Stomatologico Toscano per 5 anni e oggi lavoro presso il mio studio ad Alghero.

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Carballo Viñas, Álvaro
Carballo Viñas, Álvaro
Spain, Santiago de Compostela
  • Grado en Odontología en la universidad de Santiago de Compostela (2018)
  • Máster de Rehabilitación Oral, Estética Avanzada y Nuevas Tecnologías en la UCAM (2020)
  • Especialización en Metodología de Investigación en Odontología UCM (2021)
  • Máster de Periodoncia en Santiago de Compostela (2023)
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Gayaud, Dorothée
Gayaud, Dorothée
France, THIAIS

Pratique privée orientée parodontologie à Thiais (94)

  • Diplômée de la Faculté de Chirurgie Dentaire de Paris V (Montrouge)
  • Formation privée de prothèse sur implants à l’Institut de Formation en Chirurgie Implantaire Avancée
  • Développement d’une médecine omnipratique dentaire de qualité basée sur les concepts de prise en charge globale
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Pavan, Cristina
Pavan, Cristina
Italy, Montebelluna

Il mio percorso inizia nel novembre 2012, anno in cui mi sono laureata in Igiene Dentale presso l'Università degli Studi di Padova. Fin da subito sono rimasta all'interno della stessa nelle vesti di tutor e correlatrice di tesi in quanto adoro stare a contatto con gli studenti cercando di trasmettere la mia passione per la professione. Ho frequentato diversi corsi di parodontologia, branca che mi appassiona più di tutte e nel 2018 ho conseguito il Master di I livello in Patologia orale presso l'Università degli Studi di Torino. Dal 2021 faccio parte della grande famiglia EMS come GBT Trainer certificata dalla Swiss Dental Academy. 

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